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Transport & Regulatory Law Solicitors » Private Hire & Taxis » Private Hire Firms Operator Health Checks

Private Hire Firms Operator Health Checks

One of the key services Pellys Transport & Regulatory Law solicitors offers its clients is an operator health-check. Taxi and private hire firms have different businesses so this is not an area where one size fits all.

You should ask yourself the following questions;

  • What systems do I have in place for each part of the business?
  • Are those systems working effectively and can I be certain that I really know the answer to this question?
  • What more could I be doing to make the systems more effective but at the same time faster and more efficient to run and record?
  • What changes, if any, am I planning to make to the business (including the number of vehicles being operated at any time)?
  • Will any changes that I am planning affect what I need to do in order to ensure continuing compliance with the regulatory framework?

If you are concerned about the effectiveness of the systems/processes or the quality and adequacy of your record keeping then Pellys Transport & Regulatory Law solicitors can help. Contact us to speak with one of our team on 01279 818280 or fill in the contact form to send us an email.

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Richard Pelly

  01279 818280
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