Latest Update to Traffic Commissioner Guidance – 12th April 2022
The series of amendments published on 12th April 2022 incorporate the new regulations on Light Goods Vehicles (LGV’s) across the Traffic Commissioners’ Guidance documents.
The series of amendments published on 12th April 2022 incorporate the new regulations on Light Goods Vehicles (LGV’s) across the Traffic Commissioners’ Guidance documents.
Each licence is granted to a particular legal entity – whether an individual, a partnership, or a company – and only that entity may ever hold that licence. So how can the use of an operator’s licence be transferred?
Aimed at ensuring that HGV drivers do not work and drive without taking sufficient rests because doing so can put road safety at risk, The Road Transport (Working Time) Regulations 2005 apply to HGV drivers who drive under the Community Drivers’ Hours Regulation on 11 or more days in a reference period that is shorter than 26 weeks.
There can be few more frightening accidents on the road than a commercial vehicle wheel-loss at speed – but they happen – and when they do, the outcomes can be serious.